Lately we’ve been running Concourse CI for a bunch of our builds. We really love Concourse for the pipeline features, ease of configuration, and docker primitives. However, operating and feeding Concourse can be a voyage of discovery and sometimes sadness.
One of the issues with Concourse is that it doesn’t really like it when workers disappear on it.
The workers will appear as stalled
if you run fly workers
. This means that any resources that
are performing check
operations for new versions will be stuck and not trigger builds.
You then need to prune-worker
if you want your builds to keep working.
This post aims to give you the basics for getting lifecycle management a bit better so you can simply roll the instances in your worker pool Auto-Scaling Group (ASG) when you want to get some fresh ones without incurring the annoyance of having to clear out those stalled workers.
Lifecycle Hook
Hopefully you are running your Concourse workers in an Auto-Scaling Group. When your ASG removes these instances nothing will tell Concourse that they are dead. To make this happen you need to create an Auto-Scaling Lifecycle Hook.
Create a lifecycle hook for termination called worker-terminating
Add the following script in a CRON job run every minute or two.
# Need this path to allow aws command to work
instance_id=$(curl -s
lifecycleState=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances --instance-ids $instance_id --query 'AutoScalingInstances[0].LifecycleState' --output text --region us-west-2)
if [ "$lifecycleState" == "Terminating:Wait" ]; then
asg=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances --instance-ids $instance_id --query 'AutoScalingInstances[0].AutoScalingGroupName' --output text --region us-west-2)
# We store the TSA Host parameter
concourse retire-worker \
--name $(hostname) \
--tsa-host $TSA_HOST \
--tsa-public-key /path/to/tsa-public-key \
--tsa-worker-private-key /path/to/tsa-worker-private-key
# Sleep for 10 minutes to let the builds finish. I know, not ideal but it works for now
sleep 10m
service concourse-worker stop
aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action \
--instance-id $instance_id \
--auto-scaling-group-name $asg \
--lifecycle-hook-name "worker-terminating" \
--lifecycle-action-result "CONTINUE" \
--region us-west-2